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Body Wisdom Inner Circle:

Thrive from the Inside out


8 weeks where we shift into thrive!

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Embark on a new adventure in this compelling new training:


  • Activate you and your body’s capacity to thrive from the inside out on every level so you can flourish  physically, emotionally, mentally,

  • Establish a strong, intimate relationship with your unique physical self — and your innate guidance system — for a lifetime of greater intuition, vitality, pleasure, and joy.


“I invite you to embody any forgotten or lost pieces of yourself, and hold them as … Sacred.”



How it works:



  • Lay the foundation for entering your Body Wisdom

  • The brain’s role in integrating your body’s wisdom

  • Learn to create, step by step and implement your unique body wisdom practice for radical well being

  • Use on a practical, personal level the  important interconnections between your brain and your body.

  • Experience how mind body connection increases the accuracy of all your decisions

  • New awarenesses brought to the forefront regularly to help you know exactly what might be stuck and how to ‘unstuck’ it.  

  • How to move beyond self-judgement

  • What happens when the brain values the heart and listens to it

  • Intuition re-defined, with input from the whole system


It features the Sexy Six!

  • Uplevel VIP calls: It includes (3) one to one calls with Arlene (beginning, mid-way an end) for intuitive guidance, fine tuning your practice and channelling further information to catapult you into your new practice and craft complete solutions.  (Value: $600 as Arlene usually charges $200 per reading)

  • Book Review- There are so many books to read so little time, Arlene will give you a presentation on up and coming literature pertaining to the Mind/Body Connection

  • Elevate Group sessions: 20 minute teaching/discussion sessions with Q and A  (Value: $400)

  • Own it! Recorded mp3 guided body wisdom meditations (Value $100)

  • BONUS Gifts- 98 page Body Wisdom Journal (Value $25), your choice of one of Opening Intuition with Arlene’s T-shirts (Value $25-30

  • Secret FB group forum to access materials and share delights and aha moments which will be a’ plenty!


"It's not only a gift to yourself but a blessing to all those around you."



The value of working with me privately would cost almost $1500.00 

Body Wisdom Inner Circle Fee:  $1039.00 

You will be contacted after payment with exact start date in May 2019





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Is this program helping you create your best practice?


“Being in this Inner Circle with women reclaiming their Passion, Power, Purpose … well, it’s difficult to limit to words..."


You know this is right for you if you are feeling invigorated. Afraid but excited.

I like to work with people who are inspired action takers, meaning it comes from a place of inspiration that gives you butterflies but excitement and a knowing this is the right step for you.


IF you...


  • Know in their gut that this is NEXT and they want to really do this and like the idea of doing this week after week until it doesn't even feel new and you are starting to reel from the benefits in ways you hadn't even imagined.

  • Are experiencing on some level that what you’ve been doing no longer seems to be working even though it ‘used to work’ (could be health, relationships, or related to personal freedom from past, trauma, stories you are stuck in)

  • Always feel good and more knowledgeable/aware after a retreat but really want lasting transformation

  • Want more self-expression, order in their lives, and less flip-flopping!

  • Are comfortable exploring and trusting their intuitive abilities. 

  • Want to fill your energy reservoir to combat exhaustion and improve your concentration. 

  • Replenish yourself by practicing specific movements that rejuvenate your nervous system.


Then a big YES, this is your antidote!

  • If you’re feeling stuck or confused? 

  • This is your antidote. 

  • If you’re feeling bored or burned out? 

  • This is your antidote. 

  • If you know it's time to reclaim yourself and work with your incredible SELF, this is your antidote.

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My Story

(Even Though I Know my Story is Not Your Story)


There was a time I used my intuition for everyone else except myself. It sounds nuts but it’s easier to get information for others.  I didn’t use it to give myself guidance with my body, the foods I needed the most, the movement I needed or the meanings I was showing my body repeatedly when I did things I didn’t like and told my body I ‘should’ be grateful. I sometimes used it to recognize what thoughts and ideas were blocking my current view of not seeing my perfection but it wasn’t a consistent game.


I definitely wasn't using my awareness 24/7, round the clock so to speak.


But when I created a regular practice,  here’s what started to happen when I allowed body and mind to work together with intuition as the third partner.

  • I explained to my husband why I no longer wanted to hang on to the safety of being an RD (registered dietitian) when I couldn't stand one aspect of this career path despite making six figures.  I owned and honoured another piece of myself that day.


  • When I told him,  that I’d be retiring my RD letters and fully teaching the art of intuition to my clients and at retreats, I remembered that I am a leader in my own life decisions.


  • When I became an established intuitive yet fell ill with an inflammatory virus, I made myself sit down and start listening to my own inner wisdom as it pertained to radical health and well being.


  • I shed 'stuck' weight that I'd been holding onto (keeping in mind I was a dietitian for 15 years!)



  • When I looked at the changes I felt inside, when I experienced that radical health and well being starts with awareness and self love on the inside- BOOM


  • Finally, when I witnessed the incredible ripple effect this had on my relationships with others, I knew...


There was no way I could ignore my Body Wisdom & Intuition anymore.





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 Now your turn.  Close your eyes and...


Imagine yourself using your intuition daily, authentically in love with yourself and showering yourself in self-care while carrying out your other duties and profession. I’m dead serious.  I mean actually feeling so different you physically caress and lovingly hug yourself with genuine adoration. Imagine yourself with no physical pain. You are strong and free and alive. If this thought lights you up and you are leaning forward; if you feel lighter and ready to run and the tension in your shoulders is already not as strong, I have something that is perfect for you.



My purpose and commitment lies in helping your life and health flow more effortlessly. So that you have a greater sense of belonging and connectedness. Your creativity is let loose. You’re truly present with others — in fact, others would feel your welcoming energy and become more relaxed and present themselves!

This is why we meditate, and why we seek and commit to body-centric practices that can reign us back into our depths — away from our scattered thinking, daily stressors, and societal and cultural pressures.

Yet oftentimes, even while ‘practising’, we can hit a wall — there’s still something blocking us from full body presence.


The wall often can look like this:


“It worked for everybody else, maybe if I try harder this time. If I only had the willpower to stay on that diet longer. What if I got down to business and exerted more self-will? I have a life, I'm busy! Who am I to focus so much on my inner voice? I am ungrateful for what I have. Why aren't I grateful for what is? What if body wisdom work doesn't change anything?”


That’s not comfortable.


And as I’m certain you’ve realized on some level, that when you’re not genuinely and consistently in touch with the messages your body is giving you — like the wave of uneasiness that can fill your gut when a situation doesn’t feel quite right-you can become overwhelmed, stressed, or distracted, with your mind and body confused.


Your body is designed not only to be a container of the mind and spirit and keep you safe, it’s to bring you full vitality and pleasure. It’s the vehicle through which you create and manifest your thoughts and dreams into reality.  You are YOUR BODY

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As Oprah would say, "Here's what I know for sure."


You were meant to live an inspired, self-loving, radically healthy life.


You were meant to listen to your body wisdom for the wise GPS that it is.


The remedy then for this imbalance — which most of us struggle with daily — is to establish a strong, deep, intimate relationship with your own unique body wisdom and intuition on the regular!


Science tells us that our many body systems are meant to work together to help us maintain optimal homeostasis, which expresses itself as internal stability and balance.


I know you know this because you are still reading this and what's not to love about that?


You have a vision or at least an inkling about what is possible for you. After an inspiring retreat or a motivating book or seminar, you tried on a rockin’ red dress by doing things differently and liked the YOU in it!


Because, perhaps you’re one of the many who are being called to take it up a notch this year in terms of health and self-care.

But this scenario is not so uncommon.


But fast forward two weeks, one month, three months...


Retreats that you've attended came to an end.


You headed back home and put that rockin’ red dress back in your closet.


You start thinking there’s nowhere to wear it and no one who gets that you’ve done some transforming.  


It doesn’t feel as exciting to bust that dress out again. 


And there the dress sits – a memory of that time when you expressed that other side of yourself that you love. 


I don't want that for anyone, any longer.


Now is the time for those of us who want to live life differently, to play a more intentional role in our own LIFE. Yet when we’re called to lean in and DO just that, we let the dust settle after even the most life changing retreats. This stands for myself and other clients I’ve worked with over the years.  The dust creates a cloud that keeps us hidden. … because it feels safer when we’re hiding. It keeps running the show.


What if you chose to to continue your journey of empowerment and know that you get to wear not only that red dress again, but maybe even buy another?

Where you’ve been given a container of support for mentorship, nudges, weekly pushes and opportunities to express this new side of you for the next 8 weeks?  


Where there is specific support for navigating the redefinition of how you relate to herself and get comfortable changing your environment to reflect this? Wow!


I’m here taking a stand for you to connect with your body wisdom and intuition and step into

a mind with matter, daily practice.


Because I have been right where you are and am still with you as I lead and teach.

I really do know that my story may not be your story,

And I’m not going to presume you want to even know my story. If you do it’s down at the bottom but not necessary to read.


You have your own story.

My purpose is to provide you with the knowledge you need to discover, tune in to, and draw from:


the power of your body wisdom areas for greater intuition, discernment, vitality, personal power, and joy.


There is an abundance of wisdom waiting to speak louder and ever.


And what I am good at is hearing and seeing and getting intuition about other people’s stories and the abundance of wisdom to create new stories and practices.




We don’t have to wait for injury or death or external circumstances to force us to pay attention. We can proactively step in to a container in which to have our body show us what we need to literally transform physically and beyond.


Are you ready to ‘go there’ and connect with a whole new influx of aligned energy?


A strong post-retreat container can serve as that firm request to the Universe to source your required transformation now, so that all parts of who you are are available to act upon your dream.


It’s amazing how elegantly it can unfold.


I do fully acknowledge that this may not be something you’re interested in right now. I respect that.  I admire your honesty. All good. So good.

I’m writing this to those that feel incredibly and profoundly drawn and ready to ‘go there’.


As a result, I ‘downloaded’ and created this incredible program, only of which a fraction is taught in my Body Wisdom Retreats.


The Body Wisdom Inner Circle has led to people living a life that feels more fluid like, at ease, with beauty and grace and with shall I even say, glee?

It certainly taught me to trust my intuition on a whole new level.  


The Body Wisdom Inner Circle Practice has ‘upleveled’ everything.


That’s why I want to help you elevate your life too. Because even though we didn’t experience the exact same events, I know you are aware there’s more out there for you, more certainty, inspiration, clarity, trust of your wisdom and the excitement of what that can do for you.

I created it so…

  • you don’t have to go it alone, and wind up missing the most important steps, getting stuck in your head and never move forward because it’s hard to see where you are stuck!

  • You have the structure, guidance, structure AND CONSISTENCY to develop new pathways for your brain and body THAT WILL STICK

  • You don’t miss out on creating deep neural grooves in your brain that allow you to easily connect with body wisdom over and over again.



Time and time again we make resolutions to do things differently...

yet end up with wishy washy at best results.


I honestly do recognize that there is an expense attached to this. And I’m going to share something that I know most retreat and coaches think but very few say.


Price tags can be scary as we exchange goods and services with people all over the world. Money is energy. We decided as a culture that it’s okay to pay money for certain things like TVs and running shoes and for services from doctors and lawyers.


I believe with all my heart that an investment in working with body wisdom, intuition and awareness...


  • shifts you into thrive, and

  • moves you toward the energy of unconditional self - love an investment that will save you a whole lot of money in other areas . Like,  retail therapy, health care, being in the right career and with relationships.


Imagine the clarity, creativity and freedom that emerges when you supercharge and embody the practice you need.


So if you’re feeling stuck — in your health, in your career, or even in your finances — you'll naturally know how to use your own navigational system to improve them. 

~Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions or big interest in working with me~


Refund Policy:

All packages are subject to refund in full if you cancel 1 week prior to your first scheduled VIP call.

All packages are expected to be completed within 12 weeks of start date. If you expect to need the extra 4 weeks to complete the 8 week program, please communicate those needs with Arlene.


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