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Grace In Greece

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Activate every facet of your
Sacred Intuition, Body Wisdom & Grace

June 20-27, 2020 Amorgos Island, Greece

Are you feeling the call to take some much needed time out, to luxuriate by the crystal clear waters of the Aegean Sea, connect with like-minded women and commit to nurturing yourself via your intuition and innate body wisdom? 


Join Arlene Moshe for a magical week-long immersion in to all things regarding self-love and the soul, intuition, body wisdom and grace.


 With a nourishing blend of mindful practices – exploring various meditation techniques and movement, as well as workshops, group discussions, intuitive exercises, readings and channelings,  – this retreat will leave you with a deep sense of self-worth, renewed self-belief and contentment, a clear approach to radical well being and living from a state of grace.


The home of the goddess, Greece offers the perfect backdrop to explore our inner world and connect in with awareness with self-love activities, heart-centred discussions, movement, soulful practices and meditation. A beautiful balance of inner work and space to rest, you will have the opportunity to spend time on your own, relaxing by the pool or enjoying the day spa and to connect deeply with the other sisters on retreat with you.


What are the specifics of what you'll learn and experience?  Click the button below!


 or...take a look at  our home for that week...

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The Retreat in a Nutshell...

To see full details about this luxury retreat, click on the pink button below.

In a nutshell, each day will begin with a gourmet breakfast buffet followed by group classes devoted to intuition and body wisdom exercises, meditations, techniques, discussions and journalling of outcomes and next action steps for you to continually embody grace.  There will be music, guided movement exercises and one on one channelled guidance from Arlene as well as profound group messages and modes of healing and action steps to further pursue in your goal of remembering all that is important to YOU.


Throughout the week, we’ll build progressively on intuitive and body wisdom as well as anatomical, alignment and energetic themes.  Lunch will be provided and we will continue with the retreat after lunch for a short while.


Each afternoon there will be ample free time so that you can relax in one of the peaceful places around the hotel or you may wish to explore the island.  The hotel offers many terraces and quiet places for relaxation as the beautiful pool and spa. 


During the evening, you can book any extra activities that the hotel offers, dine at the hotel's restaurant or visit the closest village for dinner options.  The closest village is a short 15 minute walk.


Want every specific detail of this luxury retreat? Click the PINK button below!

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According to mythology, Amorgos was the island where Ulysses, returning to Ithaki, was attracted like a magnet by Goddess Kirki, and stayed for many years. Every year since, the same magnetic attraction beguiles wellness and yoga enthusiasts, who flock to the island, attracted by its strong revitalizing energy and the abundance of therapeutic herbs, which make Amorgos the perfect place to rest and rejuvinate the mind, body and soul.

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About your Host and Facilitator
Arlene Moshe

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Psychic Intuitive, Channel and Teacher, Author:
Arlene is an experienced intuitive counsellor and clairvoyant channeler that has shown hundreds of people like you that with the right training, practice, alignment and guidance, anyone can learn to access their intuitive or inner wisdom and perform detailed and accurate readings or channellings. She is passionate about showing people how regularly connecting with one's intuition can lead to a state of living in blissful grace.



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I've always been drawn to Greece- the deep blue colour of the water, the architecture and white stone structures, the food and the culture.  But in particular, I've been really inspired to visit the lesser known islands of Greece.  It's always been a real dream to visit and immerse myself in greek culture for a while but until now that has not happened.  Travelling with family or taking shorter, warm getaways was a more likely scenario. You know, quick 3 day trips to Florida, Niagara Falls or a lovely family trip to Italy!


But as I've committed to my own practice of honouring and using my intuition and body wisdom, I knew, and,  I could feel, that this retreat would be in no place other than on a beautiful island in Greece! 


And as I began my reading and research, it became crystal clear that the island would be Amorgos of the Blue!


I truly hope you will join me in this luxury retreat, that will be so important and meaningful to your connection with all that you are. 


It will be my honour to help you uncover, unmask, nurture and embody your grace with your own abilities, healing and innate wisdom. 




Love, Arlene

Personal Note from Arlene:


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